Master’s Degree
Program overview
The Master’s Degree in Medical Sciences is designed for physicians and other health professionals who wish to be involved with clinical or experimental research and with education in their respective areas of expertise. To achieve its goals, the program encourages self-directed learning on three basic domains: 1) exercising critical reading, 2) learning how to elaborate a relevant and answerable research question through adequate scientific methods that generate knowledge, and 3) mastering the basic principles that regulate the teacher-student relationship within the new teaching methods.
– Train highly qualified personnel for developing scientific research and teaching in varied areas of Medical Sciences.
– Enable students to develop research generated from a relevant and answerable scientific question, taking into account the comprehension of different types of scientific study designs, data collection, statistical analysis, writing and critical analysis of results, and elaboration of articles for publication.
Graduate Profile
Upon completing the program, the master’s graduate will be able to understand the complexities of research and teaching practices in Medical Sciences, knowing that these practices involve ethics, integrity, critical analysis, ability to communicate, comprehension of the health systems and interprofessional collaboration.
Degree Requirements
To obtain a Master’s Degree in Medical Sciences, the student must complete a total of 24 credits – comprising 18 credits in courses and 6 credits for the preparation of the Thesis (for students admitted before 2018, 30 credits are required, of which 24 in courses and 6 for the Thesis). The student’s final approval depends on the defense and approval of the Thesis and on the fulfillment of the following requirements:
– be enrolled in the program for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years;
– show proof of submission of one article containing the thesis results for publication in an indexed journal. The article and the proof of submission must be sent with the research project and a report stating the results of the research. These documents will form the Thesis volume to be presented to the examination committee and defended in a public session. The examination committee will be constituted by the supervisor, one internal member and one external member.